And, I got stung.

2 min readJan 9, 2022


Photo by Egor Kamelev from Pexels

For the past few days I used to think too much about getting stung and how would it feel, whenever I would see a bee. It felt painful even when I was just imagining it. I started to have this thing in mind that, I could escape a sting for a long time and I’ll be far away from experiencing the pain of a bee’s sting.

Unfortunately, I experienced 2 fearful stings just a day later. All of my panicking and fear was on hold and I was only thinking about getting home as fast as I can and treating myself. I was attacked by a few bees for unknown reasons, I did try my best to escape them as they were all over my clothes and I was busy defending myself from bees that were trying to get to my skin and sting me. At the same time, I could see those bees on my jacket, trying to hurt me. That feeling was like, literally, a giant bee is staring down my eyes, it was dramatic as I knew I could get stung out of nowhere at any time. Well, I was totally in the moment, fully focused on the present, defending myself.

I realized something right after I escaped.
That was, I don’t even realize, but I overthink too much negative crap. And I am really out of track regarding my perspective of life.
In reality, we spend almost all of the time being anxious about the future rather than being ready for it. Situations can come at any time, and if we wouldn’t be ready, we’ll suffer.
It’s all about being ready for the future you want, being ready and determined and destined in mind for the life you want.
In reality, It’s those bees connecting me with life. Life teaches like this. Life will play with you if you act like an object, ready to be played with.
I can’t say that I didn’t want to experience that beatdown from those bees, because they taught me something I was forgetting about life. Well, thanks to them for not hurting me much.

After all, we already know that we can learn from every experience we get to experience. Life would teach us way more than our academic syllabus and we just have to face that fact.

The thing which I do is,
I commit to myself, that I have to focus on the things and events that matter, and positively think more, than negative. One day it all will be over and who knows if we have to come back again.
So, I guess we should make the most out of what we have in this life and live to our fullest. “Be Conscious, and do the right thing”




Life, an amazing matter... I've always tried to, live life with a curiosity. Nothing new about that! :-D